
The Future of Alzheimer’s disease White Paper

As the most common form of dementia, AD currently affects approximately 330,000 Australians and is a major cause of death and disability.1

There is a window of opportunity in Australia to prepare for the potential introduction of disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) for this devastating disease.

Earlier this year, Biogen ANZ facilitated The Future of Alzheimer’s Disease Think Tank, an event which hosted 39 experts from across the Australian health system – including government, primary and speciality care, nursing, patient advocacy, professional and allied health associations – to discuss and prioritise the system-wide challenges facing the potential introduction of a DMT, for the treatment of AD.

Following the Think Tank and an extensive period of consultation amongst key stakeholders, The Future of Alzheimer’s disease White Paper has now been launched. It represents the culmination of expertise, insights and recommendations shared during the Think Tank, and showcases potential solutions including:

  • Improvements in case finding to support early diagnosis
  • Clarity and structure on diagnostic pathways
  • Establishing infrastructure and skills to help deliver treatment options
  • Growing awareness and understanding of the importance of brain health
  • Determining the role of primary care
  • Establishing system-wide collaboration and integration

Please click here to download a full copy of the report. For further information please contact Fiona Tigar, [email protected].

  1. Dementia Australia (2020) Alzheimer’s disease. Available at October 2021.

Learn more about: Alzheimer's disease